Surveys in cassava fields: an essential step in the fight against cassava viral diseases in West and Central Africa

Surveys in cassava fields: an essential step in the fight against cassava viral diseases in West and Central Africa

Fighting root and tuber crops viruses requires accurate scientific data on virus strains present in all the program countries, their geographical distribution, or plant genotypes to which they are most susceptible. To this end, the WAVE program...

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La réunion de Cotonou ou le plaidoyer de WAVE pour un plan régional de préparation à la lutte contre les maladies virales du manioc. Du 7 au 9 juin 2018, le programme d’épidémiologie virale ouest-africain (WAVE) a organisé, avec le...

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Sponsoriser les plans de lutte contre les maladies virales du manioc élaborés dans 10 pays d’Afrique centrale et occidentale

Sponsoriser les plans de lutte contre les maladies virales du manioc élaborés dans 10 pays d’Afrique centrale et occidentale

En décembre 2018, les ministres de l’agriculture ou de la recherche scientifique du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, de la Côte d’Ivoire, de la République démocratique du Congo, du Gabon, du Ghana, de la Sierra Leone et du Togo...

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Cérémonie de lancement de la phase 2 de WAVE

Cérémonie de lancement de la phase 2 de WAVE

Le 6 novembre 2019, Libreville a accueilli la cérémonie de lancement de la phase 2 de WAVE sur le thème “Le pouvoir de l’union pour libérer la productivité agricole en Afrique centrale et occidentale”. L’événement a...

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Launching Ceremony of WAVE Phase 2

Launching Ceremony of WAVE Phase 2

On November 6th, 2019, Libreville hosted the WAVE Phase 2 launching ceremony under the theme of “The power of togetherness to unleash agriculture productivity in central and west Africa”. The event brought together about 400 participants...

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Response plans to cassava viral diseases drafted in 10 Central and West African countries

Response plans to cassava viral diseases drafted in 10 Central and West African countries

In December 2018, government Ministers of Agriculture or Scientific Research from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Togo signed country response plans to cassava viral...

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The Cotonou Meeting or WAVE’s plea for regional preparedness plan to fight cassava viral diseases From 7-9 June 2018, The West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) Program, along with the Government of Benin organized a high level ministerial...

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Laying the foundations for common guidelines From 11 to 13 April 2018, WAVE held the first African Cassava Breeders and Virologists Workshop on “Working together for sustainable cassava production in Africa” in Abidjan. Nearly forty...

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Building capacity for the WAVE Women

Building capacity for the WAVE Women

Consistent in its effort to bridge the gender disparities in science, WAVE organized a training workshop with AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research and Development) for all the women involved in the program.

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