APPEL A MANIFESTATION D’INTERETS   Recrutement d’un consultant individuel formateur pour l’atelier de formation en rédaction scientifique pour la recherche agricole pour le développement en Afrique de l’Ouest                  et du Centre

APPEL A MANIFESTATION D’INTERETS Recrutement d’un consultant individuel formateur pour l’atelier de formation en rédaction scientifique pour la recherche agricole pour le développement en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

APPEL A MANIFESTATION D’INTERETS  ———————- Recrutement d’un consultant individuel formateur pour l’atelier de formation en rédaction scientifique pour la recherche agricole pour le développement en...

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Towards the operationalization of national response plans for  the management of cassava viral diseases

Towards the operationalization of national response plans for the management of cassava viral diseases

Since 2018, WAVE has initiated a regional advocacy among African agricultural stakeholders to effectively fight against cassava mosaic disease (CMD), present in most African countries and on the need to be proactive regarding the rapid...

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WAVE 3rd Annual Meeting in Abidjan

WAVE 3rd Annual Meeting in Abidjan

WAVE’s third annual meeting was held from May 31 to June 03, 2021, at the Pôle Scientifique et d’Innovation of Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny. WAVE Country Directors, financial and technical partners as well as several students gathered...

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High level policy and technical dialogue on cassava viral diseases

High level policy and technical dialogue on cassava viral diseases

Policy makers, donors, researchers and agricultural stakeholders gathered in Abidjan on May 27-28, 2021 for a high-level policy and technical dialogue on cassava viral diseases, co-organized by WAVE and the West and Central African Council for...

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WAVE Project: CRI-Kumasi Trains Agric Officers To Track Cassava Disease

WAVE Project: CRI-Kumasi Trains Agric Officers To Track Cassava Disease

The capacity building event which forms part of a one-year project called “Central West Africa Virus Epidemiology (WAVE)”, focused on equipping them with a technical know-how vis-à-vis the usage of a newly introduced mobile App called “NURU”; an...

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REF: WAVE / CORAF Superv. SE 2124 / DeSIRA Project   Opening date: 09 April 2021  Closing date: 19 April 2021   The Central and West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) Program hosted by Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY University (UFHB) of Abidjan...

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Official launching of WAVE Sierra Leone activities

Official launching of WAVE Sierra Leone activities

Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital, welcomed the launching ceremony of the WAVE activities in Sierra Leone, on December 1 st , 2020. The ceremony gathered around sixty participants including representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and...

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Advanced multidimensional technology Cube: a scientific innovation revolutionizing agricultural data analysis

Advanced multidimensional technology Cube: a scientific innovation revolutionizing agricultural data analysis

Research and Development are WAVE’s core activities. As a research program, data collection and analysis are in essence vital components in the fight against root and tuber crops viral diseases. With more than 5000 field surveys conducted since...

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Surveys in cassava fields: an essential step in the fight against cassava viral diseases in West and Central Africa

Surveys in cassava fields: an essential step in the fight against cassava viral diseases in West and Central Africa

Fighting root and tuber crops viruses requires accurate scientific data on virus strains present in all the program countries, their geographical distribution, or plant genotypes to which they are most susceptible. To this end, the WAVE program...

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