Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed

KSUSTA/ Nigeria

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed is the WAVE Nigeria North Country Director. He is a molecular plant virologist with 20 years of research experience in plant-virus-insect interactions. He employs multi-disciplinary research (from field epidemiology to molecular biology and tissue culture to functional genomics) to better understand plant-virus-vector relationships and mechanisms of disease resistance to enable developing improved disease control strategies.Dr. Mohammed obtained his first Degree in Agriculture from Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. He then moved to the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) at the University of Greenwich in 2006 to undertake his MSc on plant protection, where he investigated the effect of inter-cropping system on the control of pest and diseases, which are causing devastating losses, famine and food shortages to subsistent farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Following completion of his MSc from University of Greenwich, Dr. Mohammed joined the university of Greenwich as a PhD student (in molecular plant virology). After completion of his PhD, he returned home to Nigeria in 2012 and joined Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero (KSUSTA) as a senior scientist/lecturer. Dr. Mohammed has supervised many undergraduate final year projects and 21 postgraduate MSc students, served as visiting senior lecturer and as internal examiner to some postgraduate students’ theses in both. He has attended many national and international conferences, presented papers at various seminars and training workshops and has published over 32 peer-reviewed articles in reputable national and international Journals. Dr. Mohammed was awarded the Raymond/Roger Hull prize for best presentation at the International Plant Virus Symposium of the Association of Applied Biology 2012. He has also developed robust low-cost diagnostic tests and virus indexing for Cassava Brown Streak Viruses and cassava mosaic viruses, which are adapted in several laboratories in UK and Africa.