Datasets on agromorphological characters and distribution of cassava (Manihot esculenta L.) accessions cultivated in South-West and North-Central regions of Nigeria
December 18, 2024
Isaac O. Abegunde a,b,∗ , Oghenevwairhe P. Efekemo a,c , Olabode Onile-ere a,c , Folashade Otitolaye a,c , Emmanuel O. Idehen b,d, Angela O. Eni a,e,∗
aCentral and West African Virus Epidemiology Program, Covenant University Hub, Km. 10 Idiroko Road, Canaan Land, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
bCentre of Excellence in Agricultural Development and Sustainable Environment, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B 2240, Alabata road, Ogun state, Nigeria
cDepartment of Biological Sciences, Covenant University, Km. 10, Idiroko Road Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
dDepartment of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B 2240, Alabata road, Ogun state, Nigeria.
eRegional Center of Excellence for Transboundary Plant Pathogens (Central and West African Virus Epidemiology, WAVE), Université Felix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB), 01 BPV 34 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire.
The data presented here are agronomic indicators of cassava accessions collected during epidemiological surveys of cassava farms across South-West and North-Central Nigeria in 2021-2022. Cassava accessions were obtained from each farm surveyed and initially established in a randomized plot design at the WAVE Covenant University demonstration plot. Agronomic indicators were collected at 3-month intervals following the methods of (Fukuda et al., 2010) [1].
The WAVE Regional Center of Excellence is a scientific and technical platform that aims to increase food production in Central and West Africa, in a sustainable manner, by developing effective methods for the control and management of plant pathogens, as well as preventing the incursion of exotic plant diseases into new areas.